CHALLENGE #2: Foxtrot
CHALLENGE: Hide and seek.
Image description: The first panel is entirely black, with the words '[ CHARGE COMPLETE ]' written in Comic Sans. The page is titled 'CHALLENGE #2: Foxtrot.' VCR wakes up by herself, plugged into the wall. They think 'What's going on?' End description.
Xe walks through a towering hall of arcade cabinets. Error signs cover the walls, saying 'I miss Touch.' 'She's only been gone a week, Tone. At least no one else got sick.' 'I don't know. Radio threw up earlier' 'I'll check on aer after the dance.' 'Thanks, Winston.' End description.
Image description: VCR asks Task, who is standing up, covered in warning and error icons, 'Pardon me, but what's going on? Where's my team?' Task, holding Tinerva's body behind themself, says 'Oh, nothing to worry about.' Soup stains the carpet of the arcade floor. Task continues, 'Oh, just a bit of spilled dinner.' VCR says 'Can I help?' Task says 'I don't think you want to touch this.' Ze looks away, before continuing, 'The challenge is hide and seek. Go find your team.' End description.
Image description: VCR approaches an anthropromorphic Do Not Enter sign. The Do Not Enter sign, DNE, is gripping his face. VCR asks, 'You're from team Friendship is Magic, right?' DNE nods. VCR asks 'Can I join you?' DNE stands up and points to the outside of the arcade. End description.
Image description: VCR stands on the mall's tile floor, smiling. DNE picks her up, and she starts purring. VCR looks over her shoulder, notices xyr team in a store, and says, 'Oh!! Can you put me down?' VCR says 'Thank you!' DNE waves as VCR runs off to her team. End description.
Image description: Madeline is holding her face in her screen, while her physical body is sitting down, clutching at her screen. G3RM is lying next to her, and says 'OH GOOD. YOU'RE HERE. WE WERE WAITING FOR YOU TO FIND US.' VCR says 'Hi Shirt-ers!! What's going on? Where's Tinerva?' Madeline says 'I WANT TO GO HOME.' G3RM says 'LISTEN, VCR. WE CAN'T STAY HERE. WE'RE GOING TO ESCAPE AS A TEAM. CHANCES OF SURVIVAL ARE LOW. GROUP SURVIVAL IS MUCH HIGHER.' VCR says 'Why would we leave? Task and Polybius are my friends!' End description.
Image description: Tiny Fan says 'Oh, shut it! Tell that to Tinerva!' VCR looks away and asks 'Where is Tinerva?' Tiny Fan says 'Listen, I've had it with you. I don't know what your deal is, but you've got to cut it out. If you want to leave yourself in this dump? Fine. But leave the rest of the team out of it.' VCR says 'Isn't it snowing out there?' Tiny Fan says 'You just don't get it, do you. Out there is bad, but here is <em>so</em> much worse. I'm not sticking around for it.' End description.
Image description: VCR grabs their own face, and says 'What about our new friends?' Tiny Fan says, 'New friends? Really? I've known you for 16 hours, 11 of which you've been alseep for. If you love your 'new friends' so much, why don't you just stay here then?' End description.
Image description: The art of VCR gets noticably scribbly, as xe grips their face with both hands. They run away. G3RM says to Tiny Fan 'YOU WERE RIGHT. BUT DID YOU HAVE TO PUT IT THAT WAY. VCR WILL COME AROUND. DATA PROCESSING ERRORS ARE COMMON IN ROBOTS.' End description.
Image description: The silly band horse, whose name is ususally F.H., is standing there. VCR calls out 'F.H.! You're not going to make me leave, right?' The horse speaks in a different font, Impact, correcting her, 'I'm sorry, who are you? My name isn't F.H., it's Florence.' VCR sits down next to Florence, still visible scrambled. 'Oh, sorry, hi Florence! It's okay if you don't remember me, I don't remember anything from before I woke up too. :)' Florence looks confused, and says, 'Didn't you <em>just</em> wake up?' VCR responds 'No, no, from when I <em>first</em> woke up.' VCR grabs her head with both hands again, eyes wide as plates, and says, 'You're not going to make me leave, right?' Florence looks even more concerned, and says 'What? No. Why do you keep asking weird questions.' End description.
Image description: VCR gets even more scrambled. An anthropromorphic ATM approaches on a rollator, and asks 'Why are you shaking?' VCR looks like a tangled scribble of color and lines. There are no distinguishing features of VCR. Xe says 'What?' ATM repeats 'Why are you shaking?' End description.
Image description: ATM lays down next to VCR, who is not scrambled anymore. Dae say, 'You looked distressed. I don't like when the smaller ones get fidgety. Easier to trip on.' VCR asks 'What happened to Tinerva?' ATM says 'Circle of life. You will understand soon.' VCR asks 'Why does my team want to leave? They are acting like my first best friend did. Did I forget something I was supposed to remember again?' ATM says 'You weren't around when it happened. How are you supposed to remember something you did not experience? End description.
Image description: VCR approaches Polybius, and says 'Pardon me Polybius, but where is Task?' Polybius says 'Busy. What do you want.' VCR says 'I found my team.
Image description: VCR looks up at Polybius and says 'My team cheated. They're not doing the challenge. They're trying to escape.' End description.
Imgur link is irrelevant, bonus is right below.
MUSIC: Jeepers Creepers by Ethel Waters
Image description: Same color palette shift as the first challenge's bonus. Baptismal Font is smoking a cigarette ontop of a raised platform. The latter goes down as the text scrolls. They think 'It's been 3 years and 16 days since the accident. 1,111 days. I don't regret it. I don't even know if I loved you in the end. I used to. I still haven't fallen sick yet. Isn't that a cruel joke. Some days I wish it'd take me. Others, I'm terrified to know what happens when it does. The image pans to a nuclear reactor head laying to the side of a hole. Baptismal Font takes off the cap to their head, revealing a hole with 11 eyes. They crane their head over to look into the hole, letting their constant tears stream down into the hole. They stick both ther hands, including the one holding the cigarette, under their head and let their own tears flow over their hands. They think 'God. That's a long drop.' They put their cap back on, and notice that their cigaretter got extinguished. They think 'I should light another.' End description.
3rd of 24
'I miss Touch.' 'She's only been gone a week, Tone. At least no one else got sick.' 'I don't know. Radio threw up earlier' 'I'll check on aer after the dance.' 'Thanks, Winston.'