Here's some folks I wanted to thank along the way. :)
Thank you to Petra, for running the camp and providing such a fun space to create art. And also for convincing me not to throw in the towel after challenge #5 because I was SERIOUSLY considering that around like. Challenge #1-ish until you gave me that one chat privately.
To the Shirts!! Short lived, but not forgotten. :) I was thrilled to be on a team with y'all the entire time.
To all of the different contestant entries that inspired me to improve on my own art. (such as the nanosynthbreaker trio, and the DNEaisy duo. :) )
To Finch & Vani specifically because I have very much appreciated hanging in VCs with them while working on my entries.
To all of the wonderful folks who I got the privilege to compete against in Electric Remains.
And to all of the lovely folks who took time out of their day to read about my beast. :)

Electric Remains is owned by @Decompose1 on Tumblr. You can find a compilation of all publicly available content here.
The Electric Remains discord is here
VCR OSD MONO font was created by Riciery Leal.
Website name was inspired by Mors.
VCR entries were highly inspired by my favorite movie, Night on the Galactic Railroad!! There's a ton of references to it (ongoing 'we'll always be together' bit, some of the lines in Baptismal Font's graveyard monologue were grabbed from the Tutor's monologue, Angie is a reference to the train, & of course I had to link to some of the sound track. :) ), couldn't help myself, it's such a great movie. You can watch it here. It's a great movie, if you liked VCR you should totally give it a watch.
Please direct all other inquires about sources to @fatherdeerhands on Tumblr, I will happily answer them. :)