> You sink into Task's hold on you. You love being held. It reminds you of home- back with your first best friend.

> You both used to share a bed- not for lack of space, there were 11 other rooms in the power plant, but your first best friend never slept well without you.

> Usually you slept on seperate sides of the bed, as far as you could get from each other (as if they were allergic to you), but sometimes they'd roll over in their sleep and hold you.

> It was always your favorite when that happened. You'd always feel safe in their arms. Like they'd protect you.

> There's no place like home, but there is no home anymore. There's only here now.

> You still feel at home with Task, though. Task is your home now.

Image Description: VCR closes her eyes, preparing to sleep.

> You yawn, and then curl up in hir arms. You're warm, and comfortable, and safe. What else could you ask for?

> You shut your eyes, and start to shut down.

> The end.