> Nevermind, you’re going to die alone.
> You hope Task is the one to find your dead body.
> He'd pick it up and cradle it, as if it were something special. You don't care what ze does with your parts, as long as you get to be home one last time.
> You try to move, but your parts click. You don't have enough power to fight back.> Your time is up. You close your eyes, and resign yourself to your fate.
> Whack.
> What.
> This wasn't supposed to happen.
> “Nice. I ought to tell my golfing buddies about that one.”
> She leans confidently on her crowbar, glancing at the splattered virus on the wall.
> Where do you know her from?
> She looks down at you.
> “Hey there little guy, are you lost?" It takes you a moment, but something clicks.
> "Microcomputer?"